Pregnancy is ideal time to start practicing yoga. The work in the groups is specific and inspirational. Yoga is important in pregnancy, since it builds strength and muscle flexibility, coordination and balance. Furthermore, it balances hormones, improves circulation, reduces pain, strengthens the pelvis and prepares for childbirth, and above all, helps women to connect with their babies with a lot of love and bliss. Experience shows that women who had practiced yoga during pregnancy, feel its benefits long after childbirth, as well as their babies. Whenever you take up yoga during pregnancy, it is not too late. Physical condition is improved with exercises, distress in the body and pain in the back are reduced. Breathing exercises and guided relaxation are definitely best practice for childbirth. Pregnant women socialize during classes, they dedicate their time to their baby and bond with it. Being around positive and smiling mothers is what they most need. |